Wednesday 6 March 2013

G321 - One idea from each group member of the institutional logo

We each came up with an idea/some ideas for our institutional logos. One for our main company (Cheetah Productions) and for our other supporting company (happy lights pictures). These are some of our initial ideas we came up with (done by hand).

By Mia
By Charlotte
By Charlotte

By Katie

by Katie

After creating these initial ideas we used the computer to create a few more ideas that are more polished and that could be used for the final project for (cheetah productions).


All group worked on these five designs.

By Mia

After designing a variety of idea for Cheetah productions on the computer we chose the final one (black with a fading image of a cheetah). We chose this because we thought there was possibility for animation if we decided this was an element that we wanted to include. The next stage was to decide on which font we would like for our logo - we chose the first example within the list of three options.

Blog post by Katie Pridige

Logo design ideas by:
Mia Norton
Charlotte Hester
Katie Pridige

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