Wednesday 6 March 2013

G321 - Initial script

When Two Become One

Split screen of Rich and Chris preparing for their date above Tallulah, who is also preparing for the date.

Shot of Tallulah then fills screen, pushing other shot out.

Richard is checking his appearance in the mirror.

Chris is putting his suit jacket in his tidy room.

Tallulah applies her make up in her bedroom mirror.

Rich and Chris are in their kitchen.

Tallulah is trying on outfits.

Chris sits on toilet in the restaurant.

Tallulah sitting at restaurant table and is waiting for Richard.

Richard sits opposite Tallulah and starts general conversation.

Hi, sorry I’m late! You look beautiful.

Oh it’s fine. Thank you so much!

Chris is still on the toilet.

Music volume increases as the couple converse.

Richard receives text message.

Music volume decreases.

Oh sorry about that.

Looks at phone and read message (Sally’s ready. Leave now.)

I’m just gonna pop to the loo.

Yeah, alright then.

Richard goes to Chris and they switch places.

Chris re-enters date and begins speaking to Tallulah as if nothing has changed.

Rich begins to climb out of toilet window.


Katie Pridige
Mia Norton

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