Tuesday 5 March 2013

G321- Audience Considerations When Making Our Film Opening

Our film is targeted at males aged 15-25. With our genre being a romantic comedy, we have to really make sure that it appeals to men, as romcom's are (stereotypically) more of a female's film.

To do this we are making the film focus on the main male characters, who is in the middle of the age group we are aiming it at. This means that the target audience can relate to the characters, which would make them enjoy the film more and be interested in it.

Below are some examples of twins in our desired age range. These pictures will help us have an idea of the type of people the film appeals to and also the look the twins in our film should have.

The two male characters create a lot of comedy around them playing off the same girl. This is most likely another relatable situation for some of the men we are targeting, and the use of an attractive main female character will instantly attract a lot of men!

Mia Norton

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