Wednesday, 6 March 2013

G321 - Location Scouting and Final Location Decisions

Tallulah's bedroom-
Whilst choosing locations for Tallulah's bedroom we had a few elements that we wanted the room to have. For example it had to have a mirror (preferably at a dressing table) and it had to be an open/large space. These are two of the options we considered.

We decided to go for the second option as there is much more room and the colouring is lighter/girlier and more like how Tallulah would decorate her room.

Chris' room-
We chose a tidy room with darker colours for Chris' room. The darker colours are more masculine showing it is a male room and the tidiness demonstrates an element of his personality as he is an organised character. The other option for Chris' room was too feminine.



Chris and Richard's kitchen-
We see Chris and Richard speaking directly too one another in their kitchen. Not only does this tell the audience that they live together, but it is also the only time the audience will see both Chris and Richard on screen at the same time.

We chose the second kitchen -
Because there is an archway that can easily be lined up with the edges of the shot. This means that editing the shot to show both twins will be simpler and we can keep the shot still.

The restaurant-
We could not find a restaurant that would allow us to film, so we took on the challenge of changing a room in one of our homes into a section/one table in a restaurant. Thinking that if we only showed their table, adjusted the lighting and dressed the set correctly we could create a convincing restaurant scene.
One of our options was too dark and we were not convinced we could dress it to look like a convincing restaurant.

We chose a section of the house that has a floral wallpaper leaving us with space to create and dress the set. We also had more lighting options in this room and could create the 'ambience' usually created in restaurants.

Katie Pridige

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