Friday, 1 February 2013

G321 - Research into Romantic Comedy

A romantic comedy is a sub-genre of Romance films and of Comedy films. They focus on romantic ideals such as 'true love' or 'love at first sight' and that love can overcome any obstacle put before it. They are lighthearted and fun to watch. Many Rom-Coms have been over the years and the audience always enter with the foreknowledge of the main structure as it is very stereotypical.
  • girl and boy meet
  • they begin a relationship
  • they reach an obstacle in their relationship
  • overcome this obstacle
  • they live happily ever after
The majority of Romantic comedies are aimed at females as it is thought they are more interested in watching a film based around these romantic ideal as they believe in them. Although this is not necessarily true because many men enjoy watching romantic comedies, some which - like the majority - are aimed at females. But there are some Rom-Coms that break the stereotypical structure and some that are clearly more aimed towards men.

500 Days Of Summer (2009) - used trailer as opening could not be found

500 days of summer is a film that I believe to be aimed at both males and females as it seems to have been well received by both gender. This romantic comedy is very different compared to others as it does not follow the typical structure. The lead male believes in romantic ideal where as the lead female does not. Their relationship does not overcome the obstacles and we are left slightly not liking the lead female (contrasting other films and aiming this towards males as it is usually the male who is made to look like the worse character). The main difference in this rom-com is that the lead characters do not end up together and it is not the traditional happily ever after but it still has a positive ending.

Katie Pridige

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