Sunday, 3 February 2013

G321 - Filming our remake.

Our group set aside a day to film our opening as there were many different shots to film and we wanted to ensure we had enough time to finish. Each member of the group had the task of gathering certain props as there were so many to collect. After gathering all the props we set about creating our own mini studio to film the shots we needed. As all of the shots used in the opening of Se7en are either a Close-up or an Extreme close-up we did not have to worry about location, our main focuses were lighting; camera angles and that our props looked appropriate.

By looking to our shot list, timeline and storyboard we could confirm that we were working our way through the shots that needed to be done. But for further confirmation we kept the original video open on a laptop so as to keep our version of each shot as similar as possible to the original (For Example keeping lighting, and angles the same).
By closing the curtains and keeping the lighting mostly artificial (whilst attempting to make it look natural) we had more control over how bright the shots actually were. If we relied only on daylight we would have had to rush to ensure we did not lose light.

For shots that needed much more concentrated light we were able to make the room completely dark and place/adjust this one light to get the affect we wanted.

Overall our final shots look as accurate as we feel we could have made them. During the editing process we will be able to create a similar atmosphere to the original by adjusting the colouring and shade of the shots.

Blog Post written by Katie Pridige

Katie Pridige, Charlotte Hester and Mia Norton all present on the day of filming.

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